Sunday, June 8, 2008


Hah! Now that I have your attention ...

I recently read "Life is a Gift: Inspiration from the Soon Departed." Since those who know me know this isn't exactly the kind of happy fun read I'd pick up at the bookstore, you're right. I read it to review it. You can find the review at

The authors interviewed 104 people in hospice. None of them lived to see the book published. But the result wasn't nearly as depressing as I expected, and it lead to some Deep Thoughts, not really the old SNL Jack Handy sarcastic kind, but sincere deep thoughts.

Thought number one: In the chapter on regrets, most people said they had few. Even two people who had struggled with alcoholism said they wouldn't change the fact that they were an alcoholic, for it was from alcoholism and AA that they discovered God.

I don't know about you, but there are parts of my past I would love to rewrite. I don't dwell on them or live in regret, but if someone asked, "Would you change it?" The only honest answer is Yes. All of the things I would change involve other people, and it's not fair to drag their lives onto the World Wide Web without their permission, but I can say I think they'd agree. Saying no sounds like the correct Christian answer. I know everything I've experienced has shaped who I am today, but there are aspects of me I'd gladly surrender to have the ability to trust back.

Thought number two: OK, this one's kind of Jack Handyish, but it's genuine. They asked a five-year-old named Maddie, "If there was a book called Maddie's Life, what kind of book would it be?" Her answer, a coloring book.

If your life were a coloring book, what would the pictures be? Would everything be colored inside the lines? Would the colors be those that occur in nature? Would it look more like Sesame Street or The Simpsons? Would there be words, or pictures only? Would there be puzzles in it, like maybe a maze or two?

You share your coloring book, and maybe I'll share mine.