Sunday, May 4, 2008

Why Blog?

I come to the blogging world reluctantly. As I type this, I have three books beside my computer: "Let Them Eat Cake" by Sandra Byrd, which makes me hungry while making me laugh; "Characters, Emotion & Viewpoint" by Nancy Kress, which I ought to be reading so I can figure out how to write from a man's point of view; and "Plot & Structure" by james Scott Bell, which I ought to be reading because every writer should read it.

In addition to the book pile, there's the old work in progress, which I fear to name just in case a person who will be judging my contest entry should stumble upon it. After September, we'll discuss that more.

For now, I have one other comment. I went to see my nephew's school play Friday. Now, normally I love my nephew's plays. He's a talented kid, and he surrounds himself with talented people. But I have to say, "Once on This Island" struck me as a tad weird. And thanks to low budgets, when my nephew was supposed to be driving a white car, he had to run around the stage dressed in white holding a steering wheel. Which was better than the night scene when he ran around the stage holding "headlights" that were pointed toward the sides. He also played quite the, well, player, taking a peasant girl as his mistress. Tell me, when did it become OK for high school plays to have mistresses? Listen to me, I'm old-fashioned at 36.

OK, now I want to know what you're reading and why. If you have a favorite play, feel free to share that, too.

Now, if only someone finds my blog....

1 comment:

Cheryl Barker said...

Hi Melanie, someone found your blog! :) I found it from the comment you left on Rachelle's blog. Good luck with your blogging venture. I started a blog last fall. Click on over and check it out when you get a chance.

One of the books I'm reading right now is On Writing by Stephen King. I've heard several writers rave about it. Since I'm trying to develop my writing craft, I've been reading some of the great writing books so decided to give this one a try.

Be blessed!